TED University Faculty of Education English Language Education Program was accredited for the first time by EPDAD from 24.01.2021 until 24.04.2024. The accredited period of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education and Guidance and Psychological Counseling Programs, which were accredited in 2019, has been extended until 28.03.2024. Please click here to access EPDAD's accredited programs list. We congratulate all our teachers and students. To many successes all together ...
Esra Beker, who works as the Ankara University Kindergarten Manager, was the guest of the ECEP 204 Development and Education of Play in Early Childhood course on April 6, 2021. As she worked actively in the field, she shared her experiences about play development in childhood with the students and answered our students' questions about play development.
On April 1, 2021, Neşe Aşıcı Özmeriç was the guest of the ECEP 250 Family Education and Participation course. Neşe Aşıcı Özmeriç worked as an English teacher in the primary department of TED Ankara, TED Ankara Kindergarten Manager, and TED Ankara Deputy General Manager. With the students, she shared her experiences lived with families throughout her working life.
On April 21, 2021, Head of Early Childhood Education Department Assoc. Dr. Sühendan Er was our guest in ECEP 251 Child and Media course. Assoc. Prof. Sühendan Er shared very valuable information with our students about their study on 'sharenting' and the use of media in early childhood. During our discussions on the subject, our students gained information that will have an important place in their professional lives.
Dear TEDÜ Family;
The online event titled "Creative Thinking and Creative Writing Practices Workshop" will be held by Dr. Nilay Yılmaz, the first activity we organized in cooperation as TED University Faculty of Education Department of Basic Education, EduAction Student Society and Uludag University Classroom Teaching Society.
The Stationery and Book Campaign for Village Schools IV- Şanlıurfa
The materials collected in the stationery and book campaign organized by TED University Primary Education Department, Early Childhood Education Department prospective teachers and faculty members met with the children in Bayraklı Elementary and Secondary School, Bayraklı Village, Şanlıurfa.
Ms. Sandra de Sissing, early childhood educator at BLIS, with an experience in different countries including South Africa, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Turkey and Italy; will share her valuable experiences with our students on December 9, (Wednesday at 12.00). All early childhood education program students are invited to our meeting.
The guest speaker who attended our lesson within the scope of the ECEP103 Child Health and First Aid course, Gonca Emiroğlu who is an administrator in the Sınav College Kindergarten, made suggestions on first aid techniques related to child health and early childhood injuries as well as teaching experience. We thank her for her contribution to our lesson.