We hosted our little guests within the scope of early childhood science and mathematics...
On December 2-3, 2019, ECE 311-Early Childhood Math, Science and Technology Education, ECEP 201- Science Education in Early Childhood and ECEP 203-Mathematics Education in Early Childhood students had the opportunity to share the materials they prepared for science and mathematics concepts with Atilla Elementary School kindergarten students.
We were at the Primary School Teachers’ Seminar...
Within the scope of TEDU Elementary Education Seminars, Prof.Dr. Yasemin Karaman-Kepenekçi gave a speech about children’s rights on November 20, 2019, International Children's Rights Day. The aim of this speech was draw attention in order to raise awareness to children’s rights. Some informative and current topics in children’s right such as development process of children’s rights in historical development, factors that have important role in rises of children’s right were discussed with the participants.
Seminar by LÖSEV the Children with Leukemia week
November 2-8 is celebrated every year as the Children with Leukemia week by LÖSEV (Foundation for Children with Leukaemia) with the cooperation of various stakeholders. Within the framework of the motto “Maskemi Yaratırım, Farkındalık Yaratırım” LÖSEV established an event tent at TEDU in our Grass Amphitheater on November 4-5 with the aim of promoting Children with Leukemia Week. Life Hand and Mask Design activities were held in the activity tent.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sühendan Er presented ‘Democracy in Children’s Games’ to the teachers of Şehit Demet Sezen Preschool on 4th November 2019.
Faculty members Associate Prof. Sühendan Er and Assistant Prof. Seçil Yücelyiğit participated in the 6th International Early Childhood Education Congress (IECEC 2019) held in the Kars on 2-5 October 2019 with an oral presentation titled “The Effect of STEM Workshops on Preschool Teachers' Perspectives on STEM Applications".
Within the scope of EDU 401_01 Community Service course, Dr. Seçil Yücelyiğit and her students visited the Village of Children with Leukemia on October 18, 2019. During the visit, information about the natural life offered to children and their families receiving leukemia treatment, accommodation facilities and the workshop where mothers generate income on behalf of LÖSEV was provided. We appreciate LÖSEV for this opportunity and thank Tuğçe Gücüyener for her time.
Dear Faculty Members and Students,
As the department of Early Childhood Education, we are organizing donations to village schools. We are planning to provide books and stationary (brand new) to children. The first donations will be delivered to a village school in Mamak, Ankara.
We were inspired by a challenge which was conducted with partnership of Community of Logos and Community of Animal Friendly to collect books and stationary.