Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sühendan Er, Early Childhood Department lecturer, participated in Early Childhood Workshop in Vision of 2023 Education Document, on 26-27th September 2019, in Ankara.
Department of Elementary Education first meeting was held on September 20, 2019 in Block D Hall with the participation of our early childhood and primary education program students accompanied by the Dean of Faculty of Education, Prof. Dr. Yüksel Kavak, faculty members and research assistants in the Department of Elementary Education. Through various warm-up activities, our students had the opportunity to meet each other and the instructors.
Dr. Seçil Yücelyiğit participated in a training program held at Pamukkale University Faculty of Education between September 2-9, 2019 with 20 faculty members working in the Preschool Teaching programs of different universities. The training program was part of the TUBITAK 4005 project carried out by Dr. Nesrin Işıkoğlu Erdoğan. Those who want to get information about training details can visit the blog notes of Dr. Yücelyiğit at
The evaluation meeting of "Başkent Öğretmen Atölyeleri" organized by Ankara Provincial Directorate of National Education was held on 09.07.2017 in Ankara Provincial Directorate of National Education R & D Unit. Dr. Seçil Yücelyiğit received the certificate of appreciation for the workshop titled "Early Childhood Education STEM Approach" from Mr. Mehmet Çalışkan, the Deputy Director of Ankara Provincial National Education.
GPC 204 Learning Psychology class which is given by our faculty member Dr. Elif Öztürk have conducted as an open-air class. You can see the photos taken during this lecture
TÜBİTAK 1003 "MIGRA-MATH: Supporting Teachers of Immigrant Students with Respect to Their Mathematics Education Professional Practices” continues their field studies. Within the scope of these studies, activities were held in Şanlıurfa on March 4, 2019 and in Hatay on March 6, 2019 with the participation of students, families, and teachers. The activities which are supported by visual materials and contain family participation were carried out for the first time by teachers who actively participated in the MIGRA-MAT project.
In ECE 482: Student Teaching-II course offered by Assist. Prof. Dr. Çağla Öneren Şendil, teacher candidates are carrying their student teaching practices at TED Ankara College Kindergarten. Prospective teachers are implementing daily activity plans, evaluate their teaching with their classroom teachers as well as with their instructor and contribute to their professional development at TED Ankara College Kindergarten.
As part of the Community Service activities, our faculty member Assoc. Prof. Adile Gülşah Saranlı, invited by the Hacettepe University Faculty of Education "Thursday Talks". Dr. Saranlı shared his knowledge and experiences with the participants about “Discovery of Talents in the Early Childhood and Education of Gifted Children”.
Faculty members of the Department of Early Childhood Education contributed to the conference namely “Eğitimi Demokratikleştirmek” with their workshops held on 21 April 2019. The titles and names of the workshop leaders are as follows;
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sühendan Er- Geleneksel Çocuk Oyunlarında Demokratik Bakış
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adile Gülşah Saranlı – Alternatif Bir Eğitsel Yöntem Olarak Zenginleştirme ve Farklılaştırma