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Undergraduate Students were Accepted by Early Childhood Student Congress!

In TEDU Faculty of Education, we care to raise our undergraduate students as scientists who will write the future and we encourage them to participate in refereed scientific academic congresses. In this context, a total of 3 congress papers and 1 poster presentation of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th class undergraduate Early Childhood Education Program students who applied to the 14th Preschool Education Student Congress hosted by İstanbul Maltepe University are being accepted. 

Trip to “Dadya Çocukları”

In ECE 202: “Curriculum in Early Childhood Education” course offered by Assist. Prof. Dr. Çağla Öneren Şendil, a field trip was arranged to the “Dadya Çocukları”, a Reggio Emilia inspired school. During the field trip, prospective teachers observed the Reggio Emilia curriculum implementations, learning environments, works of children and had an opportunity to gather information on the approach from teachers and administrators of the school.

Child, Health, Nutrition, Safety Class Hosted Specialists of the Course Subjects


ECE 204 Child Health, Nutrition and Safety class students had the opportunity to widen and deepen their knowledge about the course subjects with the sharing of nutritionist Esra İncekara (Bayındır Hospital) on child nutrition and Prof. Dr. Kenan Hızel (Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine, Infectious Disease) on child infectious disease. We thank them for their time and sharing.


Ress. Asist. Gizem Solmaz Visited Learnovate Research Center!


Our Research Assistant Gizem Solmaz traveled to Trinity College Dublin in Ireland as part of Erasmus + Staff Mobility. Within the scope of mobility, she gave a presentation about our faculty at the Learnovate Research Center in Trinity College Dublin. She also participated in the presentations of the projects carried out by the related center.

Please click here for detailed information about the center.

3 Programs of our Faculty Have Been Accreditated...


Guidance and Psychological Counseling, Elementary Teaching and Pre-School Teaching Undergraduate Programs have been accreditated by Association of Evaluation and Accreditation of Education Programs. The result has been published on the web site of the association. I appreciate all the faculty members contributing to the process.

Dean of Faculty of Education





Our Faculty Member attended "Intelligence and Education Summit".

Assoc. Dr. Prof. Dr. Adile Gülşah Saranlı contributed with a lecture on Contemporary Educational Methods of Gifted Children to the Intelligence and Education Summit which was held by Turkey Intelligence Foundation and Baskent University.

TUBITAK Project on Enrichment Clusters was Successfully Completed.

The TUBITAK 3001 project, which has been going on for 2.5 years under the direction of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adile Gülşah Saranlı, was successfully completed with the approval of TUBITAK-Social and Human Sciences Research Group (SOBAG). The method of Enrichment Clusters (Renzulli and Reis, 2008), and measurement tools (My Classroom Activities, Gentry and Gable, 2001) which  has recently started to be heard in our country, has been adapted to the Turkish National Education System in this project.

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