Our prospective preschool teachers played our traditional games within the scope of "Play and Learning" (ECE 206) course. They also investigated the contributions of these games to children's developmental areas.
ECE 204 Child Health, Safety and Nutrition and GENC 120 Nutrition and Health classes hosted Dr. Pınar Ergül in their lesson.
Dr. Ergül shared her knowledge and experience about children's wellbeing and health.
In the “2023 Education Vision for Powerful Tomorrow” document, which is focused on increasing the quality of education of gifted by the Turkish Ministry of National Education (MONE), an action plan has been started. For this purpose, a workshop being held with the experts in the gifted education field in Turkey. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adile Gülşah Saranlı being invited by the Turkish MONE and shared her knowledge and experience about gifted education in the workshop.
Faculty members representing the departments of Mathematics and Science Education, Educational Sciences, Basic Education and English Language Teaching Department of the faculty attended to the "Ankara School Visits Program" on behalf of our faculty at February 19,21 and 22.
Our prospective preschool teachers prepare for their future classroom activities in our pedagogy lab. During the semester they had the chance to strenghten their skills about the concepts such as pattern, number, measurement, space, data, geometric shapes, earth science, sustainability, chemical science, life science, physical science by preparing activities appropriate for early years.
Students of “Introduction to Early Childhood Education” (ECE 201-ECEP101) course prepared “Early Childhood Education World Wide” posters and oral presentations. They searched about the system of education, history of early childhood education, major approaches, influences and practices, types of institutions and programs based on age groups, supervision, parent involvement practices, pre-service/in-service teacher training practices of various countries like Italy, China, New Zeland, United Kingdom, Finland, France, India, Japan and Sweeden.
EGE 321 Art Education class had the chance to observe children between 5-7 years old in Rhythm and Color workshop at CER Modern. This observation provided a meaningful understanding of what we discussed during our lessons in the class along the semester. We appreciate CER Modern Art Trainer Banu Taylan for accepting us in her workshop.
TEDU- Introduction to ECE Class welcomed a guest speaker, Özlem Koç, an early childhood Educator, the owner of “bikutuoyun”. Özlem Koç introduced her works specifically designed to develop certain skills in various developmental areas in early childhood period. After mentioning about her material design, she provided some materials that can easily be found in daily life to teacher candidates and directed them to design some materials for supporting certain skills in children. We appreciate Özlem Koç for her time and sharing with us.