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Frequently Asked Questions

1-What type of score is required for admission to the Early Childhood Education Program?

As of the 2018-2019 academic year, TEDU Faculty of Education's Early Childhood Education Undergraduate Program admits students based on their verbal score.

2-How long is the undergraduate education for the Early Childhood Education Program?

The undergraduate education for the Early Childhood Education Program, following the English preparatory education, is planned to last 4 years (8 semesters).

3-Can students in the Early Childhood Education Program pursue a minor or double major?

Students in the Early Childhood Education Program can enroll in minor and double major programs within different departments of the Faculty of Education, provided they meet the necessary conditions set by the university. Thus, a student in the Early Childhood Education Program, upon acceptance, can complete certain courses to pursue a double major or a minor in English Language Teaching, Primary Mathematics Education, Elementary Education, or Guidance and Psychological Counseling.

4-How did the Faculty of Education at TED University handle remote education during the pandemic? Was there any interruption in education? How were the exams conducted?

During the pandemic in the Spring semester of the 2019-2020 academic year, all courses at TED University continued without interruption via synchronous remote education. In this context, our Faculty conducted all 185 courses (including practical courses) offered in the Spring semester through synchronous remote education. Both faculty members and students successfully adapted to the process in a short time. No technical issues were encountered in terms of providing education services and accessibility for students. Technical tools such as tablets were provided to students in need by the university. Midterm and final exams were conducted through student-centered methods such as in-class work, projects, and group work. Events related to the remote education process can be followed on the Faculty of Education's website and Instagram page.

5-The YKS Higher Education Programs and Quotas Guide indicates that the Early Childhood Education Program at TED University’s Faculty of Education is accredited. What does accreditation mean?

Accreditation means that a service is provided according to predetermined standards. In higher education, accreditation indicates that the education provided by the programs exceeds the set standards. TED University, since its establishment, has implemented a quality document and applies this quality document in its operations. Accreditation processes are supported and encouraged at our university and faculty.

TED University's Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, and Guidance and Psychological Counseling Programs have been evaluated by the Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs (EPDAD), authorized by the Higher Education Quality Council (YÖKAK), and have been awarded accreditation.

6-On the Early Childhood Education page of the Faculty of Education website, there are two separate programs under the “Programs” section: “2017-2018 and before” and “Teaching Program.” Which curriculum should we follow?

The undergraduate curricula of Education Faculties are determined by the Council of Higher Education in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education. The Council of Higher Education reorganized the education faculty programs for the 2018-2019 academic year. Therefore, students who started in the Faculty of Education from the 2018-2019 academic year follow the new curriculum. Students enrolled in our faculty before the 2017-2018 academic year follow the program listed in the “2017-2018 and before” file on our website. This program will be phased out after the 2020-2021 academic year.

7-I am concerned that my education will consist solely of theoretical knowledge. What practical opportunities are available in the Early Childhood Education Program at TED University’s Faculty of Education?

TED University, in line with its founding principles, is an education-focused and student-centered learning institution. In this regard, the Faculty of Education's Early Childhood Education Program emphasizes practical application both inside and outside the classroom to prepare students for their professional lives. Our university has various classrooms designed for practical courses, including an Early Childhood Practice Laboratory and a Pedagogy Laboratory.

Courses with practical content are also designed to emphasize application. The Teacher Practice courses are particularly important and given special attention. These courses aim for students to experience different school environments (public schools, private schools, etc.) to prepare them for their professional careers. TED Ankara College is among the practice schools we collaborate with closely. Many plans and collaborations are made to increase students' experience by being present in schools outside of class hours.

8-Studying in English sometimes scares me, and I am unsure how it will benefit me in the future. What are the advantages of receiving education in English in the Early Childhood Education Program?

At TEDU, 100% English instruction is provided in all programs of the Faculty of Education and other faculties. After enrolling in their chosen programs, students take a proficiency test administered by the English Language School to determine whether they begin their undergraduate program or start in the preparatory class. The high-quality English education provided at the English Language School enables students to follow all kinds of publications related to their courses, participate effectively in seminars and discussions, meet written and oral course requirements, and communicate in English in social life.

Above all, prestigious educational institutions increasingly seek teachers who speak English, making graduates from education faculties with English instruction advantageous in their professional careers. Additionally, teacher candidates who speak English gain the ability to access and follow scientific studies in their field, thanks to the education they receive in the Faculty of Education. Teacher candidates who adopt a lifelong learning habit during their education can apply current studies in their professional lives.

Teacher candidates who receive education in English can easily adapt to pursuing further education or finding employment abroad after graduation. They can also continue their studies abroad for a certain period through the ERASMUS+ program or create various internship opportunities during their undergraduate studies.

Graduates who wish to continue their education in postgraduate programs are well-prepared for the process in terms of their English proficiency.

9-I want to participate in the ERASMUS program and go abroad. What opportunities do you provide for your students in this regard?

Since the medium of instruction is English, our students can easily participate in the ERASMUS program and gain international experience during part of their academic life. Particularly students in the Early Childhood Education Program have the opportunity to do summer internships in addition to semester studies. Our students have the chance to participate in the ERASMUS program at partner universities in many European countries. Our Faculty’s International Collaboration Committee continues to work intensively to increase the number of collaborations and provide more international experience opportunities for our students.

10-How do you support students facing difficulties, career issues, or course selection during their academic life? Will there be someone to support me?

Academic advising is highly valued and actively conducted by faculty members in all programs within the Faculty of Education. In other words, our students walk through their academic journey with their academic advisors. From the first semester, students determine the courses they want to take with the support of their academic advisors. This process involves not only selecting courses for the semester but also informing students about current regulations, guiding those who wish to pursue a double major or minor, and preparing students for their professional careers after graduation. Additionally, students interested in postgraduate education receive the necessary guidance and are encouraged and supported in their career planning. Thus, academic advising serves as a tool to support students in defining their careers.