Our 4th grade teacher candidates started their practices after the introductory and informative meetings with school administrators and teachers at "TOKİ Göksu Kindergarten", "Atatürk Kindergarten", "Cumhuriyet Kindergarten", and "Kezban Mercan Kindergarten" within the scope of EDUC406 "Teaching Practice-2" course this semester.
You are invited to our seminar, which will be held on Thursday, March 14, at 18:00 via Zoom, where our graduates will share their experiences within the scope of Erasmus + internship mobility.
You can click on the link to attend the seminar: https://tedu.zoom.us/j/91395600515
Child Yoga Instructor and TEDU Early Childhood Education Program Graduate Merve AKSU taught a practical child yoga class to our undergraduates as a guest in Dr. Fatma YALÇIN's Movement Education and Development in Early Childhood course.
On December 12, 2023, Nuray Toruntay, who works as a preschool teacher at Ankara Private Tevfik Fikret Schools, was invited as a guest to EDUC406 "Teaching Practice-II" course conducted by Lecturer Melike Kandemir. Our guest presented examples of effective classroom practices and shared her teaching experiences with our students. We would like to thank her for her valuable sharing and her contribution to our students' understanding of effective educational practices.
On December 12, 2023, Ms. Şeyma Şimşek, the director of Private Natural Kindergarten, was invited to the ECEP401 "Character and Values Education" course, which is given by Lecturer Melike Kandemir. Our guest presented her experiences and examples of effective practices regarding character and values education in early childhood to our 4th-grade students taking the course.
On December 7, 2023, Ayşegül Yılmaz, a graduate of our department, who works in the Nursery and Day Care Center of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, was invited to the ECEP251/PECE410 "Children and Media" course which is given by Lecturer Melike Kandemir. Our guest presented examples of effective practices related to Children and Media in early childhood to our students taking the course.
On December 12, 2023, the director of TAD Cinnah Preschool, Prof. Dr. Senem Özdemir was invited as a guest to the ECEP403 "School Adaptation and Early Literacy Education" course which is given by Lecturer Melike Kandemir. Our guest presented examples of effective practices on school adaptation and early literacy in early childhood to our 4th-grade students. We would like to thank her for her valuable sharing and contribution to our students' understanding of school adaptation and early literacy practices.
TED University, Early Childhood Education department, 4th grade students Gizem Bektaş, Melike Elibol, Tuğçenur Taşdemir, Nisa Ertunç, and Nisa Çabuk visited TED Atakent College on November 27-28-29, 2023 as part of the TED Ambassadors Project carried out jointly by the Turkish Education Association and TED University.
Res. Assist. Tuba Özgül attended the "International Conference on Education and E-Learning (ICEEL-23)" held in Milan, Italy. She presented the paper titled "A Review on Using School Gardens with Preschoolers: Think Outside the Kindergartens!", under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Refika Olgan.
Mehmet Bilgin, a teacher who was selected as the winner of the Global Teacher Award by the Global Teacher Award organization, which had over 19,000 teachers from 97 countries, delivered a seminar to students in the Department of Early Childhood Education. He shared his innovative methods in early childhood education.