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Teacher Mehmet Bilgin, who received the Nobel Prize in Education, will give a seminar!

Teacher Mehmet Bilgin is a preschool teacher at Ankara Etimesgut Şeyh Şamil Kindergarten and has completed his 15th year in his profession. He works on children and Creativity, Children's Literature, and Classroom Activities That Make a Difference.

Last month, he represented our country as one of the teachers awarded the Global Teacher Award at the Global Teacher Award organization, where more than 19,000 teachers from 97 countries participated.

Guest speakers from Bilkent International Laboratory (BLIS) came to our class

Within the scope of the PECE301 Instructional Principles and Methods in Early Childhood Education course conducted by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif Buldu, Alona Yıldırım, and Dilek Duman, who work at Bilkent International Laboratory (BLIS), were invited as guest speakers. Our guests explained to our 3rd-grade students how to provoke learning in the process of playful learning by presenting their practices.

A field trip was organized to Dadya Kindergarten

A field tour was arranged to Dadya kindergarten, a Reggio Emilia-inspired institution, as part of the PECE201 Alternative Approaches and Models in Early Childhood Education course taught by Dr. Fatma Yalçın. The purpose of the field trip was to provide preservice teachers with an opportunity to observe the Reggio Emilia Approach in action.


Dr. Lecturer Çağla Öneren Şendil gave a seminar to TED Isparta College Kindergarten!

Dr. Faculty Member Çağla Öneren Şendil, "Is My Child Ready for Primary School?" on June 1, 2022, upon the invitation of TED Isparta College Kindergarten. He gave a seminar on the subject. Kindergarten parents, teachers and administrators attended this seminar, which was held online.

We experienced Forest Pedagogy at Kurtuluş Park!

A lesson was conducted in Kurtuluş Park as part of PECE201 Alternative Approaches and Models in Early Childhood Education, a course taught by  Dr. Fatma Yalçın. The objective of this lesson was to provide preservice teachers with an opportunity to experience Forest Pedagogy through hands-on activities.

We visited Ankara Montessori Academy Kindergarten

A field tour was arranged to the Ankara Montessori Academy Kindergarten as part of the PECE201 Alternative Approaches and Models in Early Childhood Education course taught by Dr. Fatma Yalçın. The purpose of this visit was to provide preservice teachers with an opportunity to observe the Montessori Model in implementation.


Res. Assist. Tuba Özgül's co-authored book chapter has been published!

TEDU Early Childhood Education Program faculty member Res. Assist. Tuba Özgül and Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University faculty member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilek Altun contributed to the book "Eğitimde Yeni Paradigmalar" with the chapter titled “21st Century Skills in Early Childhood Education: Computational Thinking”. This book, edited by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Melih Güneş and Dr. Eyup Yünkül, was published by Nobel Academic Publishing.

Early Childhood Education Program Advisory Board Meeting-II

TEDÜ Okul Öncesi Öğretmenliği Programı Danışma Kurulu ikinci toplantısı 13 Haziran 2023, Salı günü, TED Üniversitesi’nde gerçekleşmiştir. Danışma Kurulu Toplantısı, Okul Öncesi Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı Başkanı Doç. Dr. Sühendan Er’in programa ilişkin sunumu ile başlamış ve ardından bölüm danışma kurulu üyeleri programın işleyişi ile geliştirilmeye açık yönleri üzerinde değerlendirmeler yapmışlardır. 

We held a science fair with the children who came to our campus!

Within the scope of the PECE202 course conducted by Dr. Elif Buldu, the science fair called "The Adventure of Little Explorers", where our students presented their science activities and experiments, took place with the curious participation of 5-6-year-old children.


Dr. Çağla Öneren Şendil, gave a seminar at TED Ankara College Kindergarten!

The parent seminar titled "A Strong Start: Readiness of Preschool Children for Primary School" was conducted on Tuesday, May 16th, by Dr. Çağla Öneren Şendil, an Associate Professor in the Department of Preschool Education at TED University. The seminar was organized for the parents of the A2 group of TED Ankara College Kindergarten.

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