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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sühendan Er was a guest speaker at the PandeVITA panel.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sühendan Er, who is our head of department, participated as a guest speaker in a live-talk panel organized through the YouTube platform as part of the PandeVITA Project. Discussions took place with international speakers and the audience in the studio regarding the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and education.


3rd Children and Play Meeting

Within the scope of the 100th Anniversary of the Republic, the "3rd Child and Play Invention" was organized by the EduAction Student Society and TEDU Faculty of Education for the 23 April National Sovereignty and Children's Day. Within the scope of the program held at TED University, we applied drama, art, and rhythm workshops with children from the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Nursery, and Day Care Center.

Our Pre-School Teacher Candidates Observed at TED Ankara College Kindergarten!

Early Childhood Education Program 1st year students, had their first school and classroom observation experience at TED Ankara College Incek campus, as a part of the School Experience course conducted by faculty members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sühendan Er and Dr. Assist. Prof. Dr. Seçil Yücelyiğit. TED Ankara College Kindergarten Director Zeynep Melis Araç and kindergarten teachers played an important role in contributing to the development of our students.

140 Children with us on the 100th Anniversary of the Republic

As EduAction Student Society, we continue to celebrate April 23rd National Sovereignty and Children's Day with enthusiasm and excitement this year as we do every year. Every year, our school comes together with children and hosts a joyful celebration on April 23rd.

This year, we will be coming together with 140 children at the 3rd Children and Play Meeting for April 23rd National Sovereignty and Children's Day, which we organized with TEDU Faculty of Education as part of the Republic's 100th Anniversary Events.

The book with the chapter of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sühendan Er, Res. Assist. Elif Naz Altaş and Res. Assist. Tuba Özgül has been published!

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sühendan Er, Res. Assist. Elif Naz Altaş and Res. Assist. Tuba Özgül, from Early Childhood Education Program, contributed to the book named “Social Emotional Learning” (Eds. Prof. Dr. Müdriye Yıldız-Bıçakçı and lecturer Zeynep Apaydın-Demirci) with the chapter entitled "Social Emotional Learning-Relationship Building Skills" was published by Nobel Academic Publishing.

As part of the TED Ambassadors Project, a visit was made to TED Samsun College!

TED University Early Childhood Education Program senior students Berfin Ece Aslaner and Burcu Şahbaz visited TED Samsun College on December 26-27-28, 2022, within the scope of the TED Ambassadors Project, which is carried out in collaboration with the Turkish Education Association and TED University.

Our Guest of the EDUC405 Practice Schools Course: Merve Aksu

Our 2020 graduate, Merve Aksu, attended the EDUC 405 Preschool Teaching Program Practice in Schools course as a guest on December 26, 2022. Merve Aksu, who worked as a preschool teacher at Büyük College, shared her experiences and answered our students' questions about the profession.

Our 3rd grade Early Childhood Education students took part in the 5th Traditional TED Torch Bazaar

Our Early Childhood Education Program 3rd grade students took part in the 5th Traditional Torch Bazaar held by the Turkish Education Association at Divan Hotel on 16-17 December 2022. We thank our students for their participation.



Early Childhood Education Program Introductory Meeting!

“Early Childhood Education Department Meeting” was held on wednesday, December 14, 2022, between 15.30-17.00 in the Multi-Purpose Hall. With the support of TEDU Learning and Teaching Center, our students who entered the TEDU Preschool Education Program in 2022 participated in the meeting event held within the scope of TEDU 101. The event, which started with Head of Preschool Education Department Assoc. Dr. Sühendan Er's and Assist. Dr. Çağla Öneren Şendil’s presentation of the department, continued with the games played in the collaboration of Assoc.

Guest Speaker in ECEP 301: Digital Artist Tülay Palaz

On December 8, 2022 ECEP 301-Art Education in Early Childhood class hosted (online) a notable artist: Tülay Palaz. Tülay Palaz is the creator of numerous works of art including digital art and NFT paintings. Her works attract international attention. She shared her expertise in digital art and NFT and inspired prospective preschool teachers to raise future artists. We appreciate her taking the time to enlighten us.

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