Gizem Solmaz, a research assistant in the Department of Early Childhood Education, won the TÜBİTAK U2020 Travel Support and participated in the Horizon 2020 International Brokerage Event Europe in a Changing World: Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies held in Warsaw / Poland on November 8, 2018.
Fatma Erva Tayanç, our student from Guidance and Psychological Counseling Program and Minor Program of Early Childhood Education, participated in the International 4th Congress of Child Development with a poster presentation titled “Investigation of the Children' Playground in Terms of Design Criteria: The Case of Ankara Kurtuluş Park”.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Sühendan Er presented 'Effects of Interactive Story Reading on Development of 0-36 Month Old Children' at 4th International Child Development Congress, organized by Hacettepe University on 22-24th October 2018.
EGE 321 Art Education class welcomed artist and art trainer Fatih Kızılcan as a guest speaker during their lesson. Fatih Kızılcan exposed his experiences about art and art education with young children. Students had the opportunity to see the insight and perspective of him. We appreciate Fatih Kızılcan for his time and sharing with us.
Assistant Prof. Dr. Çağla Öneren Şendil participated in the 9th International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology-2018 (ICEEPSY-2018) held in the Athens, Greece on 2-5 October 2018 with an oral presentation titled “The perspectives of teachers and mothers on peer relation of preschoolers.
EDU 401 Community Service Projects
Community service projects that were implemented by some of the student teachers under the supervision of Assist. Prof. Dr. Vesife HATISARU in 2017-2018 School Year Fall Semester have been published as a pdf booklet.
For the booklet, please click here.
The Ministry of National Education and TED University developed the internet based “Gifted Children Project” in order to enable the teachers to access rapid, accurate and reliable information on gifted children. The Project has already reached over 20.000 teachers.
Next Generation Teachers Co-Working for Refugee and Immigrant Communities in Turkey and Ireland
Dr. Elif Karslı, our faculty member in College of Education, has been awarded a TUBITAK 1003 R&D grant for the “PROJECT MIGRA-MATH: Supporting Teachers of Immigrant Students with respect to their Mathematics Education Professional Practices” applying to the national research call "Improving Education through Quality Teacher Training”.