TED University
Faculty of Education
"Partnership with families in Early Childhood Intervention Programs: A case study focusing on family goal-setting in one Early Head Start program”
Dr. Sevil BUZCU
Date: June 6 2017, Tuesday
Time: 14:00-14:30
Place: D126
Abstract: In this presentation, I will share a case study which examines the family goal setting experiences of fourteen family service providers and eight parents in one Early Head Start program. Specifically, this qualitative study explores how family service providers perceive their experiences working with families on family goal setting, as well as parents’ perceptions of their own experiences working with the family service providers in the program. Three robust data sets were collected from participants through an online survey and semi-structured individual interviews. The data sets were analyzed through a theoretical framework of bio-ecological theory, family system theory, and family resilience. I will discuss the findings of the study which revealed that the way family service providers and parents defined a family goal was associated to how they perceived the purpose of the family goal setting process, the roles that they saw for themselves and each other as well as the relationship between each other.
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